Welcome traveler,

my name is Alex, and I'm glad you made it to the Nerd Pole.

This place hosts my private experiments, shenanigans, and collaborations with good friends. Hopefully, there's something interesting for you as well. But first, grab a hot chocolate and enjoy the night sky.


Retro development

Sometimes, usually after countless hours of unsuccessful debugging, I half-jokingly wish I hadn't become a software developer, but something tangible; like a carpenter or a gardener. Working with something you can touch and oversee, something grounded. For some time now, I have found my digital equivalent: the Game Boy. An 8-bit microprocessor with 4 MHz, 64 Kbit RAM, 160×144 pixels and a whole 4 shades of gray. But the best part is, the technical design is so simple that the basics can be learned in just one hour. Thereafter, it's a matter of reducing problems to the essentials and getting the best out of the hardware not only despite the limitations, but also because of them.


At the time I started getting involved with the Game Boy, the word guessing game Wordle was gaining popularity. So, it was obvious to me to try my hand at an adaptation. Currently, the game is in a running state and knows a vocabulary of 2048 English words. In future versions, I plan to add sound and improve the random number generator. Download Source code


Since my youth, I have observed the demoscene with the greatest respect. For me, it is pure fascination when people accomplish seemingly impossible things with their minds. Whether displaying more colors than technically possible (link to YouTube), overwriting the firmware of a floppy drive (link to YouTube) or simply creating a visualization out of nothing (link to YouTube). What I've always wanted to write myself over the years is a path tracer, and that's exactly what I've set out to do for the Game Boy; bring the Windows 95 Labyrinth screensaver to the handheld.


Good friends make life better and more colorful! I have the privilege of becoming part of other cultures through my circle of friends. Over time, this has created opportunities where I can contribute my skills and help others.

Blackstreets Magazine

Two friends put all their heart and soul into a work that embodies their love for youth subcultures. Blackstreets Magazine started out just as the name suggests – as a printed magazine for graffiti. But it didn't stop there, and I'm proud to provide the guys with a platform to reach their readers digitally as well. (external link)

Rotzfrech Cinema

As if a magazine weren't enough work, the guys from Blackstreets Magazine have also founded a film distribution company with other friends, with which they bring selected films from the subculture to the screens. Their work is always characterized by a love of art, and this is especially evident in their relationship with the creators. (external link)


Since 2022 there is a new home for Blackstreets Magazine and Rotzfrech Cinema. A small store filled with posters, stickers, books, notebooks, films, pens, and the archive that has grown over the years. This space functions as an office, meeting place, graffiti library and small cinema. More to come soon.


For inquiries of any kind, emails can be sent to alex (at) nerdpol (dot) dev.
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